International Colloquium: Design-to-Robotic-Production & -Operation (D2RP&O), March 24th, 2017 – 10:00 @ Protospace, TUD
Henriette Bier, Sina Mostafavi, and Alex Liu Cheng with MSc 4 students: Daniel Fischer, Benjamin Kemper, Olav van der Doorn – D2RP&O – TU Delft
Design-to-Robotic-Production and -Operation (D2RP&O) employs customized design to production processes that incorporate material properties in design, control multiple aspects of the design to production process numerically, and utilize parametric design principles that can be linked to the robotic production and operation of buildings.
Panos Sakkas – The New Raw and Foteini Setaki – TU Delft
3D Printing in the Circular City
The project 3D Printing in the Circular City investigates an innovative way for recycling household plastic waste locally with large scale 3D-printing, in the city of Amsterdam.
Salomé Galjaard – Arup
New Opportunities for Optimizing Structural Elements in Metal by Using Additive Manufacturing.
At the hand of Arup’s iterative design process for metal printed structural nodes, the characteristics and possibilities of metal printing will be illustrated. The talk is not only about new things to learn, but also about old habits to let go off.
Philippe MOREL – Presentation of DK (Digital Knowledge) department – Ecoled’Architecture Paris Malaquais
Topics : Areas of interest, Previous work and Post DK
Jean-AiméSHU / Nicolas LEDUC – Introduction to DK master degree – Ecoled’Architecture Paris Malaquais
Topics : Proof of concept Pavilion – Learning by making
Student presentation #1 : Building with CEB (Compressed Earth Block) for an experimental architecture festival – Félix Beyout, Capucine Fouquin, Anaïs Lo Re, Nicolas Siffermann, Alice Weil, Hanmo Zhang
Student presentation #2 : Paraffin Wax – Niels Barateig, Théophile Batteur, Juraj Kunst Ozanic, Adrien Taraki
Student presentation #3 : Mathematical Braid from extrusion of recycled plastic – Diane Adib, Tristan Barth, Sacha Bitoun, Fabien Caron, Alexis Morin
Student presentation #4 : Responsive inflatable pavilion : from local dilatation to form variation – Alexandre Atamian, Félix Chameroy, Clara Chotil, Léo Demont, Maud Levy, Laura Mrosla