The research of Jelle Feringa (Aectual, former Odico) is focused on the development of original robotic fabrication processes for architecture, considering materialisation an inherent aspect of architectural design. At Odico the technology Jelle developed as a PhD researcher are deployed at an industrial scale.
Shows of recent personal work include transNatural, Amsterdam, Club Transmediale, Berlin, STUK, Leuven and Vivid design gallery, Rotterdam. Recent publications include AD “Made by Robots” and Fabricate. Jelle is an active contributor to open source software. With Thomas Paviot, he has been driving the development of an open source CAD framework, PythonOCC.
Does the emerging discipline of architectural robotics present an umbilical cord to the good ol’ days of Late Modernism? Is it a nostalgia for a vitality in architecture long lost, or the coming about of an architectural practice that is supply rather than demand driven? Do robotics allow to bridge the vitality in the ‘field’ of architecture with the stasis in the ‘discipline’ of architectural practice?