19th May, 9:00h, Fibrous tectonics: Applying lessons from biology and technology on lightweight composite building systems in architecture

Zoom: https://tudelft.zoom.us/j/97586666953

Serban Bodea, University of Stuttgart


Serban Bodea is a Romanian architect, researcher, and educator with a focus on computational design and fabrication in architecture.

He holds Master’s Degree in Architectural Engineering (Cum laude) from TUDelft.

After following TUDelft’s Master Programme (2012-14), he joined the Hyperbody research group and taught design and automation till 2017, while simultaneously working in several architecture offices in the Netherlands.

He is currently completing his Doctoral Studies at the Institute for Computational Design and Construction (ICD), at the University of Stuttgart, under the mentorship of Prof. Achim Menges.

His research and teaching work at ICD and ITECH focus on design-engineering and robotic fabrication. Serban specializes developing mold-less filament winding methods of large-scale fibrous morphologies with direct applications in novel, lightweight composite building systems.