Thursday 5th (workshop)
Workshop with staff members to ‘reinforce the cooperation with the partner institution; create spin-off effects like curriculum development; development of joint courses or modules; academic networks and research collaboration’: Advancing education and research on new technologies in architecture as a multi-disciplinary collaborative field.
Friday 6th (lecture and seminar)
Dottorato di Ricerca AAP/PSAD ( New approaches to architectural materialization: Considering materiality and architecture at multiple scales (with focus on Rhizome 2.0
Monday 9th (meeting)
Prof. Silvio Rotolo (htps:// discussion on the volcanic geology of Sicily and in particular its caves (with focus on ESA-funded projects ( and
Tuesday 10th (workshop)
Laboratorio di biomateriali e componenti per il design (prof. Simona Colaianni) Corso di Laurea Magistrale in DESIGN E CULTURA DEL TERRITORIO: New materials and techniques for the robotic production processes in multi-material and -component design (with focus on BcPP