The SHERobots café series featuring TU Delft female roboticists as part of the initiative Ecologies for Care takes place 29/2-21/5.
29/2 @ 12.45h – SHErobots Cafés: Drones & Touch
Salua Hamaza (AE) & Yasemin Varder (ME) demo and present about Drones & Touch at the second lunch lecture in this series.
8/3 @ 16h – SHErobots Cafés: Robotic Building
Henriette Bier (BK) & Mariana Popescu (CEG) present demos and talk in the third of the series. Celebrate International Women’s Day with us!
26/3 @ 12.45h – SHErobots Assistive Robots and Human-Robot Teams
Anahita Jamshidnejad (AE) & Nazli Cila (IDE) demo and discuss helpful relationships with robots at the fourth event in this series.
24/4 @ 12.45h – SHErobots Cafés: Robot Bubbles and Driving
Saray Bakker (ME) & Laura Ferranti (ME) demo and discuss motion planning with robots at the fifth event in this series.
7/5 @ 12.45h – SHErobots Cafés: Medical Robotics
Laura Marchal Crespo (ME) & Katie Poggensee (ME) demo and discuss robots used in the medical field at the sixth event in this series.
21/5 @ 12.45h – SHErobots Cafés: Soft Medical Robots & Soft Maritime Robots
Aimée Sakes (ME) & Jovana Jovanova (ME) demo and discuss robots used in the medical field at the seventh event in this series.